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"I F   W E   A R E   E V E R   T O   H A V E   R E A L   P E A C E,   W E   M U S T   B E G I N   W I T H   T H E  
C H I L D R E N."     ~ G A H N D I

Yoga / Music/ Yosic Services

Amanda is a perpetual student and teacher of yoga, having shared yoga with thousands of students aged 0-99 since she began her career in 2006. Amanda’s teaching style is playful, earthy and eclectic, woven with music, poetry, and Buddhist philosophy.  She has taught in various North American yoga conferences, lead local Kirtan circles, and worked with many special needs including ASD, cerebral palsy, and cancer patients.  She considers her own body, her students, and her family to be her biggest teachers.

The following programs can inspire private sessions with Amanda for groups, families, organizations and individuals.  


Ages 1-6 

A journey into the melodic and rhythmic elements of music coupled with the mindful movements of yoga. Fun with seasonal songs, fingerplays, familiar folk songs, instrument play, and yoga basics to inspire body awareness, self-expression and musical appreciation/ competence.

Boogie Babies & Mellow Mamas

Mamas & Babes 0-2 

To sing is to breathe, open up and awaken joy. Much like yoga, music transports us back into the moment, smoothing transitions and soothing stress, especially as we interact with our children. In these classes gentle stretches and yoga postures intermingle with simple folk songs that have been sung for ages; boogie-woogies and waking lullabies that ease car rides, bath time, washing faces, wiping noses, gassy bellies and growing pains. Melodies are easy to remember, as are the lyrics. After 6 weeks, you’ll wish you could get the songs out of your head . . . at least after 8 pm! Super-relaxed setting, organic instruments, like-minded mamas - Dad’s and guardians are welcome too!

Family Yoga

There is no better way bond with your family than through yoga, a practice that enables us to truly experience and celebrate the precious moments of our lives. Classes are multisensorial and whimsical, weaving families closer together . . . often landing in a savasana sandwich!

Parent  / Child Partner Yoga

Mother / Daughter Yoga

Time together is time well spent, and yoga together is a wise investment. In this series, removed from busy schedules and dizzying distractions, we discover the ever-elusive “pause button” hidden in the subtle yet profound language of connection. WARNING - yoga together has been known to ease tension in the parent child relationship, resulting in more cooperation and closeness.

Children's Yoga

Ages 4-8

Come play yoga - move, stretch, breathe, sing, play games, and celebrate life together! Children cultivate focus, body awareness, self-concept, confidence, coordination, creativity and community through mindful movement and play.

Ages 8-12 

Dynamic explorations in vinyasa, partner play, mandala, acrobatics and introspection to build strength, flexibility,confidence and character.

Girl to Goddess Yoga

Ages 12+

A practice for kids yoga alumni, once girls, now goddesses! Discover yoga and discover yourself. Yoga is an awesome way to move seamlessly through the changes and challenges that accompany growing up. Learn "how twisting yourself into a knot can actually help straighten things out" ~ Evan Cooper, Um Like Om . . . Explorations in vinyasa, partner / mandala work, and introspection to build confidence & character.

Storytime Yoga

Ages 2-6 

Kinesthetic explorations of storybooks, where children and parents move and groove through yoga poses, songs and activities that coordinate with a story, making reading come alive! Children and adults learn basic poses that stretch, strengthen, and soothe to practice together at home for story time, or anytime.

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